
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

this is a snippet of a beautiful wedding i did with the very talented daniel krieger. i'm always excited to work with him! long island, new york


charlie said...

I really like the last shot. Without the distraction of faces the viewer can is left to contemplate the attraction and bond between the two.

Rachael Burke said...

The one of the table that is two photos, did you put those together Bon? And if so why? I mean I like it, i'm just wondering the thought behind it.

Bonnie said...

thank you charlie and rachael!

rars - i put the two photos together because i wanted to tell a mini-story about the tables / decor, but i didn't want to give it too much focus. i also thought it was a cool transition to go from chair to table top, as if the viewer is a guest at the wedding.
